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sabato 12 gennaio 2013

Berlusconi tried to delude 9 millions people!

It is a trial! I give automatique translation to see if it is readable. I try!

Last night there was in TV the highly anticipated match Santoro / Berlusconi, all well prepared in every detail, victim Marco Travaglio, unwitting victims of the many undecided voters with a little heated soup could be determined. Today, many news outlets talk about the comeback of the rider, all drunk by his words, very discounted for the truth to every question I already knew what he would answer, I learned to recognize his lies, after so many years has repeated so many times. So it is useless to return to bunga bunga, doubts collision with the mafia, the conflict of interests, etc., are made to last.
After that he said to retire and leave the field open to Alfano and others of the PDL, began a process of disintegration within the party, maybe change the name, perhaps divide. With the league, with the league not, many uncertainties and internal conflicts.
Missed him, the point of reference only glue as there is no absolute sense ideas that offer a link just perfect to what began as a movement of Forza Italy.
He started this government time by diverting public opinion from the realization of his promises and continually throwing darts on "communist magistrates" that he felt took aim, huge losses of wasted time to find a way to be not viable in the office of President of the Council. Meanwhile, the crisis progressed and he did not want to see it. Bersani was seen as a sad man, because he tried to show that needed urgent action to stem the crisis. On the other side was answered with discussions if it was true or false that there were feasts in Arcore, something he had not the slightest practical interest for us and for those of us who had voted for him.

So what? When Mediaset shares began to fall and loomed major losses in the economic realm of him the only option was to do the famous step back and find a future scapegoat giving up everything in his hands. 
So there was Monti, for one year, to save what can be saved in stunned silence of the parties.
Now what? The members of the PDL still believe in the miraculous ability of their leader, who could keep their seats so soft and comfortable with much gratitude held in recent years. For them, the dream is to continue to have a "daddy" that preserves the well-being as subjects who are ready to follow him anywhere. That for them is Italy, themselves!
However, it seems to me that Berlusconi has closed. Despite the noise that he is creating and obstacles that he put to a healthy alternation, which is certainly desired by the Italians, is based on a number of followers that are intended for the personal well-being rather than a real recovery in Italy conditions and in any case are disjointed and confused. 
We no longer in front of the Berlusconi assured of 94, but an animal that despite being able to defend themselves to the last, it is now without stain and without follow-up. Berlusconi if he could rebuild his army, would be enough for any reason to leave the scene to generate a widespread confusion and discord among his people.
At the end of the broadcast public service in off the air, as he was leaving, you could hear his words: "Boys, do not be fool by these...".
By the way, let's not make a fool of him! His ability to revive Italy whose critical conditions have been exacerbated by his inability to govern, are almost ZERO. He proved very good at doing personal interests and to cast a large wool over the eyes of our people.
Monti, regardless of any evaluation of its policy, has shown us that Berlusconi is not unique. To the right and left, there are many people who can do much better than him, so even the false idea that he is still the only one who can govern Italy we can throw in the bathroom, and remember to flush the toilet! 

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